Jun 17, 2011


Summer school is in session (with a pretty relaxed dress code apparently).

Just love peaking into the toy room, never know what these two will be up to.


Bennett and Ainsley said...

Is Ken's friend, Rich, in this class? I don't see him. I guess he does drive a sports car, so maybe he's "too cool for school."

Julie said...

Sweet dress code....I think more kids would get to school if it was more relaxed! Love it...and love Char's flowing hair!

Karla said...

I want to know how you get them not to "kill" each other during their time together???? My little guy is constantly poking at his sister until she screams bloody murder. The peace lasts for a total of 6 seconds.

Unknown said...

Karla: you know, they have always played well together and i'm not quite sure why - ha. Charlotte is wanting more and more "private time" as she calls it to play with her dolls, barbies and other characters, making up stories and things. And sometimes she rudely tells Cooper to get out of her room and leave her alone. That I'm not liking. I make sure she gets a little bit of alone time each day but then I tell her she has to include her brother. For the most part, Cooper is still content with her bossing him around, so that helps. They poke at each other in the car sometimes. The other day Char was literally holding her hand an inch from Cooper's arm saying, "I'm not touching him, I'm not touching him." While Cooper screamed that Char was touching him. Really? Already? :)