Mar 21, 2011

Callum's Big Week

In the last seven days, this little one has put himself (and us) through the wringer. RSV (requiring breathing treatments every 3-4 hours and crazy-baby-making steroid medicine); double ear infection (ouchy); cut his first tooth (make that teeth - the two bottom ones have both popped up at once - finally); started crawling; and started pulling himself up to standing completely on his own. Yes, we're worn out.

Well, Cal doesn't think he's worn out, don't let him fool you, he's just gearing back up. The worse of the sickness is behind us (we're just on some maintenance treatments/meds for the next few weeks) and Callum's got his special spark back.
Whatcha got planned for us this week, big guy?


Julie said...

So glad he's feeling better! Let's pray for a better week this week!! :)