He's sleeping. Finally. Without being held, without whimpering. Deep comfortable sleep. Thankfully! Cooper has had a rough few nights with some high fevers that are either due to teething or some virus or some combination thereof. Poor little guy has lost his spark and I'm hoping tomorrow we get to see some more smiles.
I was able to catch up on some blog reading during some late night shifts where the little man just wanted to be held. Thought I'd share the love:
It's Almost Naptime. Cute blog, great parenting perspective. Especially, this post, if you've ever felt like your not doing enough, outside of family, as a parent. Great reminder that as moms our primary mission field is at home.
I heard of My Charming Kids on the news. Please pray for their baby son who is going through some very hard times with a dangerous heart condition. I couldn't help but think of him, being rocked by his mother, in a hospital room last night.
And, lastly, Resolved2Worship, is one of my favorite blogs. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon the site, but I'm glad I did. This woman, my age, has 7 (!) kids, is an AMAZING photographer and her blog is so uplifting.
Charlotte had a great day today, as if she just sorta knew mommy needed a little break from her antics. As we're getting dried off and pjs on after bath:
"See Mom?"
"See what Charlotte?"
"See my moves Mom?" And then she broke out in a 15 minute dance party! How cute that she knows she's got moves!
Glad Cooper maybe is feeling a bit better! I sure hope so!!! I'm sure Charlotte does have some moves. :)
You should check out, "www.heatherwalkerphotos.blogspot.com" or "www.heatherwalkerphotos.com"
She is our photographer/friend....you might like her work and get some ideas for your creative, adorable photos:) Where did you learn to take such great photos?
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