Apr 19, 2009

Still waiting...

Because I'm still waiting on UPS to deliver this:
I redesigned my header again. Once you start, you can't stop. Kinda' like when you eat Pringles or Oreos.

And to anyone who wants to get sucked into the madness. Here's some helpful links with tutorials that will get you started with blog design. I think your designs would come out a lot better if you have Photoshop. But I don't so I just used Microsoft Publisher. Have fun!


Julie said...

Okay, I'm pretty sure I will get sucked into the madness soon. I made the header I have with paint.net, and it took me FOREVER!!! So I'm going to have to figure out the easy way to do this with the help of your sites. Maybe when I'm not needing 12 hours of sleep at night to make this baby inside of me! Was hoping to see you at Dare to Dream, but I think I'll see you this summer for some playdates!! :) Hope the camera cord comes soon. :) Love, Julie