Jan 14, 2014


I'm way behind on blogging, wondering how much to recap or whether to just start fresh. Let's just stick with a quick recap.

- December started with Clane breaking his leg. Last December started with me getting sick with preeclampsia while Clane was in my belly. Next December we are wrapping Clane in bubble wrap, so we can actually slow down and enjoy the month. :)

- Cooper turned five. His robot birthday party of classmates was cancelled due to one overwhelmed mom. His replacement was taking a friend to his first community college basketball game with his dad, where he got candy, a tshirt, pop, candy, his birthday announced on the loudspeaker, and candy. I think his favorite was the candy. He didn't miss his party. We are blessed to have this kid in our family. So easy going. 

-  Clane stopped sleeping and eating. That was not fun. His appetite slowly came back. The sleep was even more slow to return.  We are still working on that. 

-  Christmas was lovely. Plans had to change. Advent lessons didn't get read. We didn't do all on the list of things to be done. But, again, I don't think the kids noticed. Kids notice presents, of which there was plenty.  Highlights were their own Android tablets, Lego Friends, John Deere action figures, a five foot rocket ship (WHY?), Little People galore, and football gear.

-  My parents graciously watched Charlotte and Callum for a week of Christmas break, where the spoiling continued. Cooper opted to stay home and have a quiet week with mom, dad, and baby.

-  Clane turned one. He doesn't seem one, more like my baby than a toddler - although he attacked his cake like it was nothing. Three more days until the cast comes off, major cuddling commences, and (most importantly) he gets a bath!!

Here's to starting new in 2014!